

We would love to welcome your child to Harvey Browne Preschool.  The application process is easy and requires submitting the Registration Form, Registration Fee, and Enrollment Agreement.

Information regarding the application process, classroom choices, and fees is included in the Registration Letter.

 If you would like to speak with our director, Amy Squires, to learn more about Harvey Browne Preschool, please call the school office at 895-2577.

2024/2025 Registration Paperwork:

Registration letter 24-25

registration form 24-25

Enrollment Agreement 24-25   

Preschool hours: 9:00-12:00

Kindergarten & Great Minds Extended day pick up:  3:00

Early Birds early care drop off: 8:00-8:40 available everyday, $5.00 per use

Age Group Days Tuition
2 year old (2 by April)*can also add a Monday enrichment class for a 3 day option ($3570.00) Tuesday/Thursday $2880.00
3 year old – 2 day*can also add a Monday enrichment class for a 3 day option ($3570.00) Tuesday/Thursday $2880.00
3 year old – 3 day Monday/Wednesday/Friday $3570.00
3 year old – 5 day Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday $4650.00
4 year old – 3 day Monday/Wednesday/Friday $3570.00
4 year old – 4 day Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday $4170.00
4 year old/Junior K – 5 day Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday $4650.00
Kindergarten – 5 year old – 5 day M-F + 2 long days $5490.00

*Enrichment Mondays can be added for children who do not come to school on Mondays and would like an additional day.  Your child must be potty trained for this class.

*Kindergarten starts the year as a 5 day morning program from 9-12.  In October, Thursdays become a long day and children stay until 3:00 on Thursdays.  In January, Tuesday becomes a long day and children stay until 3:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

To register, please submit the Registration Form, Registration Fee of $250.00 for Preschool or $300.00 for Kindergarten, and Enrollment Agreement to Harvey Browne Preschool Attn: Amy Squires or Anne Hughes.  You may mail or drop off in the preschool office or church office at 311 Browns Lane, Louisville, KY 40207 Monday-Friday 9:00-1:00.

Tour:   We are offering tours and would love to show you our school. Please call the office to schedule a time.  (502) 895-2577

Video Tour:  Feel free to check out our video tour for a sneak peek of our school!